Big Data Analysis

Sharing individual and corporate data to the world via the internet has increased its attractiveness and a new concept has emerged: Big ​​Data

Big data; It is the data that is analyzed, classified, transformed into a meaningful and processable form.

Big data has adopted the principle of making the available data the most useful, bringing a new perspective to the opinions of businesses and institutions about their customers and opening new channels. At this point, in order to reach the most useful information, it is necessary to act with the principles of big data and reveal the simplest and most workable form of the data. Many data points are compared, the relationships between the data are revealed, and these relationships enable us to learn and make smarter decisions. This is commonly done by a process involving building models based on the collected data, and then simulations are run. Each time the data points are relocated, it is monitored how the results are affected.

Uses of Big Data

  • Improving health services: Data-based medicine includes the analysis of a large number of medical records and images that can help in the early diagnosis of disease and the development of new drugs.
  • Predicting and responding to natural and man-made disasters: Earthquake data can be analyzed to predict when earthquakes are likely to happen next, and human behavior patterns help organizations gain insights into what to do with survivors. Big Data technology is also used to monitor and protect the flow of refugees away from war zones around the world.
  • Predicting and responding to natural and man-made disasters: Earthquake data can be analyzed to predict when earthquakes are likely to happen next, and human behavior patterns help organizations gain insights into what to do with survivors. Big Data technology is also used to monitor and protect the flow of refugees away from war zones around the world.

Big Data Concerns

  • Data Privacy: The Big Data we have created now contains a lot of information about our personal lives. Increasingly, we are asked to strike a balance between the amount of personal data we expose and the convenience offered by Big Data-powered apps and services.
  • Data Security: Even if it gives confidence to know that data is kept for a specific purpose, how sure can one be sure of its security?Data Discrimination: When everything is known, is it acceptable to discriminate against people based on the data we have in their lives? We use credit scoring to decide who can get a loan, and insurance relies heavily on data. We can expect it to be analyzed and evaluated in more detail, and it should be noted that this is not done in a way that makes life more difficult for those with fewer resources and access to information.
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