Personnel Workplace Efficiency Solutions

Many definitions can be made for efficiency, such as producing more, getting the most output with the least input. In the most general definition, what is productivity in business? answer to the question; It can be done as the relationship between the output of a production system and the input needed and used to create that output. It can also be seen as the active use of resources such as labor, capital, land, materials or energy. The advent of computer systems and software has been seen as the best way to increase productivity in business. Information systems and projects integrated with production have had a widespread use in almost every sector.

Efficiency analysis is as important as the realization of efficiency. Efficiency analyzes are necessary in order to achieve your goals and for your units within the company / business to progress in a more coordinated way. You can also perform these analyzes through productivity-enhancing software and benefit from the reporting screens.

Purchasing software, construction site software, payroll software, warehouse stock software, machine supply software, proposal preparation software, finance software, fixture tracking and insurance tracking software that can be used by the units within the enterprise are software that will facilitate your progress in your sector and increase your productivity. You can benefit from the convenience of productivity-enhancing software while making an important decision about your company or keeping track of your business.

Purchasing software, construction site software, payroll software, warehouse stock software, machine supply software, proposal preparation software, finance software, fixture tracking and insurance tracking software that can be used by the units within the enterprise are software that will facilitate your progress in your sector and increase your productivity. You can benefit from the convenience of productivity-enhancing software while making an important decision about your company or keeping track of your business.

Efficiency increase must first of all be sustainable.

Applications made with temporary improvements tend to return to the old culture when management follow-up and pressure are reduced. For this reason, all productivity improvements should be carried out by following up the processes systematically, in accordance with the company culture and designed without forgetting that there are people in it, with technology.

All productivity gains start with measurement. Recording all the work done is necessary for the measurement of the current situation. Weekly reporting of all studies can be a good starting point, as records will also pave the way to a culture of supervision and primarily provide self-control motivation in individuals.

There is no single truth for productivity studies. Businesses may adopt different methods according to their own culture, team and technological infrastructure. The biggest mistake made in such projects is the expectation that a solution will be achieved by simply purchasing a technology, ignoring the corporate culture and the existing team (human). The main reason why many Efficiency and Digital Transformation Projects fail globally and in our country is the illusion that Efficiency increase will be achieved by itself with a magic software.

In its simplest form, we can summarize the work that needs to be done as follows:

  • Receiving Meat Dumps
  • Generating Weekly and Monthly Reports
  • Establishing an Internal Audit Culture
  • Providing Team Trainings for the New Culture
  • Creation of Business Processes
  • Digitization of Processes
  • Preparation of Instant Process Reports
  • Weekly and Monthly Process Improvements

For all these studies, getting support from a team of experts in both technology and organizational training will speed up your productivity project.

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