Cloud computing

Cloud computing means that computing services (including server, storage, database, network, software, analytics and machine intelligence) are delivered over the Internet (“the cloud”), delivering faster innovation, flexible resources, and economic scaling. Because you normally only pay for the cloud services you use, you can lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently, and scale to meet your changing business needs.

Cloud Computing Advantages

  • Cloud computing systems provide fast ease of use with APIs.
  • It provides a number of possibilities such as more storage space, fast data transfer and cost savings on this backup.
  • Infrastructure confusion created by issues such as archiving the ever-increasing data, authorization and tracking of users is eliminated.
  • Since cloud technology software runs through web browsers, computers, tablets, smartphones and Smart TVs are also used to protect them from platform dependency.
  • The servers of the companies that provide cloud software services, where the data are kept, are more secure than the main computer because they take security measures 24/7 in terms of software and hardware.

Cloud Computing Disadvantages

  • Cloud computing systems provide fast ease of use with APIs.
  • It provides a number of possibilities such as more storage space, fast data transfer and cost savings on this backup.
  • Infrastructure confusion created by issues such as archiving the ever-increasing data, authorization and tracking of users is eliminated.
  • Since cloud technology software runs through web browsers, computers, tablets, smartphones and Smart TVs are also used to protect them from platform dependency.
  • The servers of the companies that provide cloud software services, where the data are kept, are more secure than the main computer because they take security measures 24/7 in terms of software and hardware.

Cloud Computing Security Mechanisms

  • Secure data storage
  • User access control
  • Data partitioning
  • Secure data transmission
  • Secure software interfaces

Cloud Computing Security Threats and Precautions

  • data leak
  • Compromised credentials and broken authentication
  • Hacked interfaces and APIs
  • exploited system vulnerabilities
  • Theft of accounts
  • malicious employees
  • APT attacks
  • Permanent data loss
  • insufficient review
  • Abuse of cloud services
  • Shared technologies
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